No end to the terror as long as Ulises and the State thugs are around

January 17th, 2007 – LIMEDDH writes: On Saturday, January 13th, families organized a peaceful march at 10am from the center of Miahuatlán to CERESO, the principal objective of the mobilization was the immediate and unconditional liberation of all political prisoners, as well as the renunciation of Ulises Ruiz Ortiz, which went on without incidents. During the meeting of the families at the end of the march, a corpulent individual with a military haircut, standing about 10 meters from the other participants, was filming with a homemade camera while talking on a cellular phone; this called the attention of the other participants. After realizing that he was being observed, the individual departed quickly, jumping over a meter high fence and heading to a path which leads toward a set of houses.

Some participants followed him, yelling at him to stop and to identify himself and explain his reasons for filming. After being asked these questions, the individual began to run at full speed and entered a house, which he was expelled from by the owners. At that moment, he pulled a large knife out from his clothing and attacked some of the people present who fortunately managed to get out of the way. After realizing that he was trapped, he turned himself in.

He was taken to the place that the meeting was going on and turned into authorities of CERESO of Miahuatlán by official Reynaldo López.

Later, between 16:30 and 17:00, five people were detained. They were intercepted while traveling aboard a truck to Oaxaca City. They were among women and children, who were threatened with incarceration if they opposed the detentions. At that moment, only one name of the five detained was documented: Jesús Villaseca Pérez, 19 years old, student at the UNAM (Autonomous University of Mexico).

Later, at about 17:40, while family members were gathered outside the prison getting together to eat, seven white Miahuatlán police pick-up trucks arrived with about 50 police, many of them wore ski masks and were all armed with long guns, like Goat horn, AK 47s. They violently got out of the vehicles, yelling at the gathered family members, “Alright, sons of bitches! Now we’re gonna give it to you!” The policed proceeded with a violent evacuation of the gathering, creating a climate of extreme panic. Many of the family members were able to escape running, while some were detained.

Due to the extreme violence of the forced evacuation, the family members had to urgently leave the gathering place, leaving all of their belongings behind: credentials/identification, credit cards, press releases, cell phones, etc.

At the moment, 17 family members, 3 men and 14 women, who were able to escape the violent operative, are hiding and remain terrorized by the presence of numerous police cruisers that are roaming the city. These family members have asked for accompaniment from the CCIODH (The International Civil Commission for the Observation of Human Rights) due to fear of being arrested.

At this time, the detention of seven people has been confirmed: Jesús Villaseca Pérez, student at the UNAM; Miguel López Cruz, 28 years; Vladimir González Martínez; Rogelio García, José Poncia Neri; Amulfo Sequel Velasquez; and Alberto Vásquez.

According to our information, all were transported to Oaxaca City, where some will have their cases presented before the Attorney General of the Republic, and others before the Public Ministry of the State of Oaxaca.


On January 4, 2007, the gathered family members in Miahuatlán were strongly harassed. The families were notified through penal authorities, director Juan Carreño and guard supervisor Raúl Ramírez, that the prisoners had a message for them. They told their family members that they were being strongly threatened by the other interns because of the presence of the gathered families and organization of marches outside the prison. Later that day, family members received a call that they had to break up the gathering and leave, as 2 of the male prisoners were being threatened with death. The night of January 4th, the guards did not lock the doors of the 2 cells of those that had been threatened, increasing their fear of being attacked during the night.

From the Limeddh, we emphasize that the above mentioned facts have no justification and seem to correspond to acts of threat and harassment against the family members caused by state authorities, in response to the indifference of federal authorities.

We deduce that these acts are nothing but a reflection of the climate of intolerance promoted by the Governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz.

We remind that it is a constitutional right of the family members to gather, and to organize meetings and marches, and that the security of all people held in the prison is the responsibility of the penitentiary authorities.

For all of the above mentioned, the Limeddh solicits:

i. That all necessary measures be taken in order to ensure the physical, psychological, and legal security and integrity of the prisoners and the families of the prisoners of the Miahuatlán prison, and of those detained today.
ii. That the actions taken against the detained are officially stated by the authorities.
iii. That the physical, psychological, and legal integrity of the workers of the Section 22 of the National Syndicate of Education Workers, members of the APPO, the students, members of civil society organizations, as well as people in solidarity, be respected.
iv. Respect for the constitutional right of the family members to gather, and to organize meetings and peaceful marches and that the security of all people held in the prison is the responsibility of the penitentiary authorities.
v. That the CNDH (National Human Rights Commission), with base in its attributions and faculties, act in respect to the serious human rights violations that transcend the scope of Oaxaca, and are of national and international interest.
vi. In general, that the government conform its actions to those stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to the International Human Rights Pacts and Conventions which have been signed by Mexico.

By the organizations

Adrián Ramírez López; President
Yesica Sánchez Maya; President Oaxaca branch

Organizations which declare themselves in favor of a peaceful solution in Oaxaca:
Solidaridad para la Paz y el Desarrollo (SODEPAZ, Madrid); Solidaridad para la Paz y el Desarrollo, País Valenciano (SODEPAU-PV); Acción Ciudadana por la Transparencia, Acciones para el Desarrollo Comunitario, ACTE A.C., ALDEMO A. C., Alianza Cívica, ALOEZAC A. C., AMARC, Asociación de Desarrollo Económico Local de Zacatecas A. C., Asociación de los Pueblos Marginados del Estado de Tlaxcala A. C., Asociación Sinaloense de Universitarios A. C., Casa de Promoción Social A. C., Casa de Promoción Juvenil A. C., Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir, Cauce, Sinergia Cívica A. C., Centro de Defensa “Josè Ma. Morelos y Pavón”; Centro de Derechos Humanos “Juan Gerardo” A. C., Centro de Educación Popular Parras Región Laguna, Centro de Encuentros y Diálogos A. C., Centro de Estudios Ecuménicos A. C., Centro de Estudios Sociales y Culturales “Antonio de Montesinos” A. C. ( CAM) Centro de Promoción y Asesoría Comunitaria A. C. , Centro de Servicios Municipales “Heriberto Jara” A. C., Centro Operacional de Vivienda y Doblamiento A. C. CEP Parras A. C., CESDER-UAT, CESEM, CIDHAL A. C., Colectivo Alas, Consorcio Oaxaca A.C. Consorcio para el Diálogo Parlamentario y la Equidad, Convergencia de Organismos Civiles A. C., COPEVI A. C., DECA, Equipo Pueblo A. C., DEMYFAS A. C., Desarrollo Comunitario del NASAZ, ECOPUMA A. C., Enlace, Comunicación y Capacitación A. C. Equipo de Estudios Sociohistóricos A. C., Escuela Cívica, Fomento Cooperativo para el Desarrollo Comunitario y Regional A. C., Foro para el Desarrollo Sustentable en Chiapas Foro Permanente de Mujeres, FPD, Frente Cívico Morelos, Fresnillo Unido A. C., Fundación para la Cultura Política, Grafitos, Grupo Interdisciplinario para la Formación y el Apoyo Comunitario (GIFAC A. C.), Hacia una Cultura Democrática A. C., Incide Social A. C., MCD, Milenio Feminista, Movimiento Cívico del Sur A. C., Movimiento Cívico Espina y Jugo A. C., Movimiento Nacional Campesino por el Cambio A. C. (MONAC) Musas de Metal Grupo de Mujeres Gay A. C., Nuhuseche, Educación y Desarrollo A. C., Colectivo Oaxaca Libre, Observatorio Eclesial, Organización Popular Independiente, Pastoral Obrera de la Diócesis de Cd. Juárez, PODEMOS A. C., Poder Ciudadano – Jalisco A. C., PROCADES A. C., Proyectos Laubach de Alfabetización en México A. C., (PLAMAC), Pulpa (Cooperativa en proceso), Red de Jóvenes del Estado de México Red de Organizaciones Civiles de Veracruz, Red Nacional de Promotoras y Asesoras Rurales Comaletzin A. C., Red Norte de Educación y Comunicación Popular Red por la Participación Ciudadana A. C., REMISOC A. C., ROC- VER, Rostros y Voces, Salud Integral para la Mujer A. C. (SIPAM), Secretariado Pastoral Social, Servicio, Desarrollo y Paz A. C. (SEDEPAC), Servicios Para la Educación Alternativa A. C. (EDUCA), Sociedad Cooperativa Chac Lol, Taller de Desarrollo Comunitario A.C., Un Dos Tres Por Mí, Unión Popular Revolucionaria “Emiliano Zapata” , UPREZ, Voz Flor y Canto A. C., Centro de Derechos Humanos “Fray Fco. De Victoria A. C.” Coordinadora Comunitaria Miravalle (COCOMI); Alternativas para la Equidad y Diversidad, A.C., Cefocom, A.C., Centro de Apoyo al Movimiento Popular Oaxaqueño CAM PO A.C., Centro de Orientación del Migrante de Oaxaca, A.C., Centro para los Derechos de la Mujer Ñääxwiin A.C., Centro de Derechos Humanos Ñu’u Ji Kandii A.C., Centro de Desarrollo Comunitario Centéotl A.C., Centro de Derechos Indígenas Flor y Canto, A.C., Centro de Encuentros y Diálogos Interculturales A.C., Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos Bartolomé Carrasco A.C., Centro de Derechos Humanos Ñu’uji Kandí A.C., Centro de Estudios de la Mujer y la Familia A.C., Centrarte A.C., Chamixezacui, A.C., Coalición de Maestros y Promotores Indígenas de Oaxaca CMPIO A.C., Comisión Regional de Derechos Humanos Mahatma Gandhi, A.C., Consorcio para el Diálogo Parlamentario y la Equidad Oaxaca A.C. , Colectivo Huaxyacac, Colectivo Nueva Babel A.C., CODICE A.C., Comité de Vigilancia Ciudadana, CHAMIXEZACUI A.C., Cooperativa de Mujeres Treg, A.C., Enlace Comunicación y Capacitación Oaxaca A.C., ECCOS A.C., Foro Oaxaqueño de la Niñez, Fundación Comunitaria Oaxaca, A.C., Grupo de Apoyo a la Educación de la Mujer GAEM, Grupo de Estudios sobre la Mujer Rosario Castellanos, A.C., Grupo Mesófilo A.C., Grupo Ocho de Marzo, A.C., Guiariaten, A.C., Ixquixochitl A.C., Iniciativas para el Desarrollo de la Mujer Oaxaqueña IDEMO A.C, La Ventana A.C., Michiza, Ojo de Agua Comunicación S.C., Observatorio por los Derechos Humanos y la Democracia, Organización de Agricultores Biológicos, A.A., PAIR, A.C., Promotora de Servicios para el Desarrollo PRODER S.C., PROCAO A..C., Protección a la Jovén de Oaxaca, A.C., Pueblo Jaguar A.C., PRO-OAX, A.C., Servicios para una Educación Alternativa EDUCA A.C., Sinergia para el Desarrollo Integral Sustentable A.C., UCEZ VIVE-ECAP, Tequio Jurídico A.C., Universidad de la Tierra en Oaxaca A.C., Unión de Comunidades Indígenas de la Zona Norte del Istmo UCIZONI A.C., Unión de Organizaciones de la Sierra Juárez de Oaxaca UNOSJO S.C., Yeni Navan.

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