In Oaxaca we’re mourning for Cairo, Egypt

Communique # 1: November, 22, 2011

Comrades, Brothers and Sisters

In Oaxaca, we understand, well, what it means to demand the end of a tyrannical government. This demand by the people is just and legitimate, and we know very well how the governing elites of the towns will answer, they don’t care about our demands, they only care to maintain power, especially when you’re demanding the end of military rule. We know how difficult it is to resist and work collectively in the moment you’re now living. The dignified and rebellious people of Oaxaca show our solidarity with the more than 46 assassinated (people of Egypt) and we say don’t be intimidated by the force of the police and military state.

We believe that we are not wrong in working together for a better future. May the good vibes of the rebellion always stay with you. Know that our eyes see in your eyes your indiginity, and our conscience together will show the way to decide how we want to live and this gives peace and justice to the comrades who were assassinated by the tyrannical government.

We would like to be physically present with you comrades but we can’t go there because in each place there’s something pending to be resolved with the damned government that represses us, kills us, hurts us and jails us, but we still send you our best energy that will contribute to fortify the heart and the necessary wisdom to continue with your fight. The road to obtain change is very long, far from the fall of the military government, which is only the beginning of the germination of a new society. Put your wager on changing the base and do not depend on government structures to decide our destiny, and the solidarity that cloaks the people of Egypt is the same as that which cloaked Oaxaca in 2006. Go onto the street and proclaim that there is a different way to live.

Fight with your head held high, let the assassinated comrades be one more bastion for resistance, for us to continue the fight, some fall for the dream of others but the path continues and we don’t have to forget the demand for justice for their death, and to think of kneeling only when the moment comes to tell our dead that we have achieved the dream of all.

An enormous embrace and stay strong comrades

From a place really hidden in Oaxaca de Magón

With fraternity

Colectivo Espanta pajaro
Colectivo Mano de Obra
Hormigas Libertarias

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