First Anniversary of CASOTA

Let each man and each woman who loves freedom spread it far and wide with determination and stubbornness, undeterred by mockery, heedless of danger, unmindful of the consequences;
let’s get to work comrades, and tomorrow our ideal of freedom will be a reality.

Ricardo Flores Magón

Comrades and friends:

Warm, combative greetings to all of you from the crew here at the Oaxacan Autonomous Solidarity House of Self-Sustaining Work (CASOTA), a space we’ve constructed as part of this widespread Oaxacan movement. For the last year, it’s been in motion thanks to the collective effort of people who believe in building a new society, another world, as our Zapatista brothers and sisters say, or strengthening our communality, as we say in Oaxaca. Little by little, with a lot of work, new initiatives have been launched that we believe will point the way towards that other relationship which has sustained the resistance and liberation of our peoples for centuries. And so we’re happy to make you part of this first anniversary that we’re celebrating as a space, and we’re sending you an INVITATION to the event that we’re organizing for Saturday, November 7, 2009 at 5 o’clock in the afternoon.

Your presence is very important for us so that we can share the strong points and the errors that we’ve accumulated during this year of work and so that, together, we can broaden and deepen the social nature of this project.

We’re extending this invitation to you with the firm idea that this and other autonomous projects fortunately being set in motion by many rebellious men and women in Oaxaca, the sons and daughters of 2006, are nothing more nor less than the seeds of a future society, the means to reach the ultimate aim of all our dreams, an aim worthy of the application of our minds, hearts, force and hope: the social revolution that will radically and definitively change our society.

We hope we can count on our presence and the good cheer that characterizes our peoples.

Affectionately yours,

Casa Autónoma Solidaria Oaxaqueña de Trabajo Autogestivo,

Free all political prisoners!
Ulises Ruiz out of Oaxaca!
Freedom, Justice and Peace with dignity!