Urgent Action: A group of armed men kill Javier Torres Cruz, rural environmentalist, also wounding his brother Felipe Torres, in Petatlán, Guerrero

April 20, 2011

Organizations belonging to the Early Alert Network express our concern and ask for your urgent participation in response to the murder of Javier Torres Cruz, rural environmentalist, and the attack against Felipe Torres, in Petatlán, Guerrero


On Monday, April 18, 2011, at 5:30pm, the rural environmentalist Javier Torres Cruz, 30 years of age, was murdered by a group of armed subjects while traveling through an area known as “Puerto de la Mosca,” close to the community of La Morena, where Javier lived with his family.

According to a report published by the National Association of Democratic Lawyers (ANAD) and the Collective Against Torture and Impunity (CCTI), relatives of Javier and other witnesses report that a group of armed subjects insidiously attacked Javier Torres Cruz, who was traveling in the company of his brother Felipe Torres, who was injured in the attack, while they were traveling through the abovementioned location.


Ever since 2007, when Javier Torres Cruz decided to give a statement to the Federal District’s Attorney General’s Office in order to identify those responsible for the murder of human rights defender Digna Ochoa y Plácido, murdered in 2001, the military, as well as armed civilians, have carried out a series of attacks against him as a result of this declaration, his strong public condemnation against the atrocities and violations committed by the narco and strongman Rogaciano Alva Álvarez, and for his work as an environmentalist in the region, attacks which culminated yesterday in his death.

It’s important to note the ten days during which Javier Torres Cruz was disappeared, from December 1 – 10, 2008, time during which he was tortured and threatened with death by soldiers belonging to the Mexican Army’s 19th Infantry Battalion who told Torres Cruz that “they acted on behalf of Rogaciano’s people,” a disappearance and torture which was never investigated by competent authorities.

Other events related to the threats against Javier occurred during 2009, when on at least six different occasions elements of the army entered the community of La Morena, attacking Javier’s relatives and threatening him with death. All of these violations, as well as the incursions, were denounced in a timely manner, yet as of today the competent authorities have not resolved a single case.

On February 16, 2010, members of the Mexican Army burst into the vicinity of the community of La Morena, opening fire on the men and women working in the fields at the time, leaving Adolfo Torres Rosas murdered and Isaías Torres Rosas wounded (both cousins of Javier), arbitrarily and unjustly detaining Anselmo Torres Quiroz (Javier’s grandfather) and Húber Vega Correa (a family friend), these last two still remain unjustly imprisoned in the Acapulco prison for supposed drug offenses, which were fabricated by the soldiers during their incursion.

These events were denounced and currently there is an open investigation by the Military Public Prosecutor’s Office (27ZM/16/2010) in order to determine who is responsible and to punish those soldiers who fired into the backs of a group of unarmed men and women.

Amidst all these events there exist two constants, the use of force and violence by armed civilians and soldiers against Javier Torres Cruz and his family, and the ominous complicity of the state and federal authorities in investigating and punishing those responsible.

Given the gravity of the events and the obvious omissions on the part of the state and federal governments, the Early Alert Network urges the corresponding authorities to:

– End the harassment and attacks against the relatives and friends of Javier Torres Cruz.

– Provide comprehensive reparation for damages and adopt the necessary measures to protect the physical and psychological integrity of the relatives and friends of Javier Torres Cruz.

– Begin the corresponding criminal investigations and to carry out each and every procedure aimed at clarifying all of the abovementioned events, as well as the reparation of damages and an end to the constant human rights violations.

– Carry out a prompt and expeditious investigation to resolve the homicides of Adolfo Torres Rosas and Javier Torres Cruz; the detentions of Anselmo Torres Quiroz and Húber Vega Correa; and the attacks on Isaías Torres Rosas and Felipe Torres, so that those materially and intellectually responsible, including the authorities involved in the abovementioned events, be brought before a competent tribunal, independent and impartial, and that the criminal, civil and/or administrative penalties provided by law be applied to them, with the request that the results of said investigations be made public and those found responsible comply with their corresponding punishments.

– Order the immediate release of Anselmo Torres Quiroz and Húber Vega Correa if they are found to be detained in the absence of valid legal charges, or, if such charges exist, that they be brought before an independent, competent, just and impartial tribunal, guaranteeing their rights to due process at all times.

– In a general manner, carry out their actions as determined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the applicable international agreements and conventions ratified by Mexico.

As well, we call on national and international human rights bodies, within the framework of your powers, to express your concern given the gravity of these events and to urge the authorities to attend to the requests laid out here.


On behalf of the organizations comprising the Early Alert Network

Julio Mata Montiel

Executive Secretary of AFADEM

Liga Mexicana por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos A.C. (Limeddh), Fundación Diego Lucero A.C., Asociación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos y Víctimas de Violaciones de Derechos Humanos en México (AFADEM FEDEFAM), Asociación Nacional de Abogados Democráticos (ANAD), el Observatorio Nacional de Prisiones México (ONP México), la Red Universitaria de Monitores de Derechos Humanos (RUMODH), el Centro de Derechos Humanos Coordinadora 28 de Mayo A.C., la Asociación de Derechos Humanos del Estado de México (ADHEM), Asociación para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos y Equidad de Género (ASDDHEG)

Email Addresses:

felipe.calderon@presidencia.gob.mx, secretario@segob.gob.mx, fzamorac@segob.gob.mx, comentarios@ssp.gob.mx, mmoralesi@pgr.gob.mx, jdecastro@pgr.gob.mx, contacto@guerrero.gob.mx, contacto@guerrero.gob.mx, correo@cndh.org.mx, provictima@cndh.org.mx, coddehum@prodigy.net.mx, Grodh@cndh.org.mx, josefina.vazquez@congreso.gob.mx, manuel.cadena@congreso.gob.mx, jgmorfin@senado.gob.mx, ribarra@senado.gob.mx, InfoDesk@ohchr.org, civilsocietyunit@ohchr.org, msekaggya@yahoo.com, urgent-action@ohchr.org, oacnudh@ohchr.org, cidhoea@oas.org, denuncias.limeddh@gmail.com

Sample Letter:

A través del presente queremos manifestar nuestra preocupación ante el asesinato de Javier TORRES CRUZ, campesino ecologista, y las agresiones en contra de Felipe TORRES, en Petatlán, Guerrero, por lo que solicitamos

  • Cesen el hostigamiento y agresiones en contra de familiares y amigos de Javier TORRES CRUZ.
  • Hagan una reparación integral de daños y se adopten las medidas necesarias para resguardar la integridad física y psicológica de familiares y amigos de Javier TORRES CRUZ.
  • Inicien la correspondiente Investigación Ministerial, y desahogar todas y cada una de las diligencias tendentes al esclarecimiento de todos los hechos anteriormente mencionados, así como la reparación de daños y el cese a las constantes violaciones a los derechos humanos.
  • Lleve a cabo una investigación pronta y expedita, que esclarezca los homicidios de Adolfo TORRES ROSAS y Javier TORRES CRUZ; las detenciones de Anselmo TORRES QUIROZ y Húber VEGA CORREA; y las agresiones contra Isaías TORRES ROSAS y Felipe TORRES, a fin de que los responsables materiales e intelectuales, incluyendo las autoridades involucradas en los hechos mencionados, sean llevados ante un tribunal competente, independiente e imparcial, y les sean aplicadas las sanciones penales, civiles y/o administrativas previstas por la ley, solicitando que los resultados de dicha investigación se hagan públicos y que los responsables cumplan con las sanciones pertinentes.
  • Ordenen la liberación inmediata de Anselmo TORRES QUIROZ y Húber VEGA CORREA, en caso de encontrarse detenidos en ausencia de cargos legales válidos o, en caso de que estos cargos existan, llevarlos ante un tribunal independiente, competente, justo e imparcial y garantizándole sus derechos procesales en todo momento.
  • De manera general, conformar sus acciones a lo dispuesto por la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos y los Pactos y Convenciones Internacionales al respecto ratificados por México.
  • Teniendo en cuenta los tratados internacionales firmados y ratificados por México, manifestamos nuestra profunda preocupación por la grave situación de derechos humanos que se vive en México.

Nos despedimos de ustedes, expresándole nuestros saludos.

Full Name

Address, Country

Date, Signature

Full Addresses:

Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa Presidente Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos Residencia Oficial de los Pinos Casa Miguel Alemán, Col. San Miguel Chapultepec, C.P. 11850, México DF, Tel: (55) 5093 5300


Lic. José Francisco Blake Mora Secretario de Gobernación Bucareli 99, Edificio Cobian Col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06600 México, D.F. Tel. y Fax: (55) 5093 3400 Ext. 34200 secretario@segob.gob.mx

Felipe de Jesús Zamora Castro Subsecretario de Asuntos Jurídicos y Derechos Humanos de la SeGob Bucareli 99, Edificio Cobian Col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06600 México, D.F. Tel: (55) 5209 8800 Ext. 34589 fzamorac@segob.gob.mx

Genaro García Luna Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Av. Constituyentes #947 Col. Belén de las Flores, Del. Álvaro Obregón, México D.F. Tel. (55) 1103 6000 comentarios@ssp.gob.mx

Lic. Monte Alejandro Rubio García Subsecretario de Prevención y Participación Ciudadana de la SSP Av. Constituyentes No. 947 Col. Belén de las Flores C. P. 01110 Del. Álvaro Obregón México, D.F. Tel. (55) 1103 6000 Ext. 11260 y 11267

Marisela Moreles Ibañez Procuradora General de Justicia de la República Av. Paseo de la Reforma 211 – 213, Col. Cuahtemoc, Del. Cuahutemoc, México, D.F. Tel: (55) 5346 0108 mmoralesi@pgr.gob.mx

Juan de Dios Castro Lozano Subprocurador de Derechos Humanos Atención a Víctimas y Servicios a la Comunidad de la PGR Av. Paseo de la Reforma 72, Col. Guerrero Del. Cuauhtemoc, C.P. 06300, México, D.F. Tel: (55) 5346 4202 jdecastro@pgr.gob.mx

Lic. Ángel Heladio Aguirre Rivero Gobernador Constitucional del Estado de Guerrero Palacio de Gobierno Edificio Centro 2do. Piso Col. Ciudad de los Servicios C.P. 39074 Chilpancingo, Gro. Teléfonos: (01 747) 47 19802 y 47 19801 contacto@guerrero.gob.mx

Lic. Humberto Salgado Gómez Secretario de Gobierno del Estado de Guerrero Palacio de Gobierno, Edificio Norte, 2º Piso., Boulevard Lic. René Juárez Cisneros No. 62. Col. Cd, de los Servicios, C.P. 39074, Chilpancingo, Gro. Tel: (747) 471 9803, 471 9804, 471 9806 contacto@guerrero.gob.mx

Lic. Ramón Almonte Borja Secretaría de Seguridad Pública y Protección Civil del Estado de Guerrero Palacio de Gobierno Edif. Acapulco 1er. Piso Col. Cd, de los Servicios, C.P. 39074 Chilpancingo, Gro. Tel: (747) 471 9737 contacto@guerrero.gob.mx

Lic. Jesús Ramírez Guerrero Procurador General de Justicia del Estado de Guerrero Carretera Nacional México-Acapulco Km. 6 + 300, C.P. 39090, Chilpancingo, Guerrero Tels: (747) 472 5657, 472 8200, 471 9400 ext. 9415, Fax: (747) 472 2328 contacto@guerrero.gob.mx

Dr. Raúl Plascencia Villanueva Presidente de la Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos Edificio “Héctor Fix Zamudio”, Blvd. Adolfo López Mateos 1922, 6° piso, Col. Tlacopac San Angel, Del. Álvaro Obregón, C.P. 01040 Tels. y fax (55) 56 81 81 25 y 54 90 74 00 correo@cndh.org.mx, provictima@cndh.org.mx,

Lic. Juan Alarcón Hernández Comisionado de Derechos Humanos del Estado de Guerrero Calle Benito Juárez esq. Galo Soberón y Parra, Col. Centro, C.P. 39000, Chilpancingo, Guerrero Tel: (747) 471 2190, 471 0230, 471 0378, 471 0325, 471 5142, 472 8642, 01-800-710-6628 Fax: (747) 471 2190, 471 0230 coddehum@prodigy.net.mx, Grodh@cndh.org.mx

Dip. Josefina Vázquez Mota Presidenta de la Junta de Coordinación Política de la Cámara de Diputados Av. Congreso de Unión No. 66, Col. EL Parque, Del. Venustiano Carranza, C.P. 15969, México, D.F. Tel. (01 800) 122 6272 josefina.vazquez@congreso.gob.mx

Dip. Manuel Cadena Morales Presidente de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la Cámara de Diputados Av. Congreso de Unión No. 66, Col. EL Parque, Del. Venustiano Carranza, C.P. 15969, México, D.F. Tel: (55) 5628 1300 Ext. 66318 o 5036 0000 Ext. 3329 manuel.cadena@congreso.gob.mx

Sen. José González Morfín Presidente de la Junta de Coordinación Política de la Cámara de Senadores Torre Azul, Piso 20, Reforma 136 Col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06600, México, D.F. Teléfono: 53-45-30-00 Ext. 3220, 3221 y 3502, Fax: 5209 jgmorfin@senado.gob.mx

Sen. Rosario Ibarra de la Garza Presidenta de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la Cámara de Senadores Torre del Caballito Piso 13, Oficina 5 Reforma 10 Col. Tabacalera, C.P. 06030, México, D.F. Tel: (55) 53-45-30-00 Ext. 3226 Fax: 5226 ribarra@senado.gob.mx

Irma Lilia Garzón Bernal Presidente de la Comisión Permanente del Congresos del Estado de Guerrero Trébol Sur, Sentimientos de la Nación s/n Col. Villa Moderna, C.P. 39074, Chilpancingo, Guerrero Tel: (747) 471 8411

Napoleón Astudillo Martínez Presidente de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Congreso del Estado de Guerrero Trébol Sur, Sentimientos de la Nación s/n Col. Villa Moderna, C.P. 39074, Chilpancingo, Guerrero Tel: (747) 471 8467

Navanethem Pillay Alta Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos Palais des Nations, 8-14 avenue de la Paix, CH 1211 Ginebra 10, Suiza Tel: +41 22 917 9000 InfoDesk@ohchr.org, civilsocietyunit@ohchr.org

Margaret Sekaggya Representante Especial del Secretario-General sobre la situación de los defensores de derechos humanos P.O. Box 3176, Kampala, Uganda. Tel. No: 256-414-348007/8/10/14 Residence Telephone No: 256-414-270160 Mobile No: 256-772-788821, Fax No: 256-414-255261 msekaggya@yahoo.com, urgent-action@ohchr.org

Javier Esteban Hernández Valencia Representante en México de la oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos Alejandro Dumas #165, Col. Polanco Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, C.P 11560, México D.F Tel:(52 55)5061-6350.Fax:5061-6358 oacnudh@ohchr.org

Sr. Santiago Cantón Secretario Ejecutivo de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos 1889 F Street, N.W. Washington, D.C., 20006 U.S.A. Tel: 202-458-6002 Fax: 202-458-3992 cidhoea@oas.org

Please also write to the diplomatic representatives of Mexico in your respective countries.

With copies to: denuncias.limeddh@gmail.com