Films documenting events in Oaxaca, speakers from local Zapatista groups and prints from el Caracol de la Mision on Wednesday, November 1st, 7:00pm at Station 40 in San Francisco (3030B 16th St. in front of Mission St. BART)
Updates and four short films on Oaxaca, plus silkscreen poster display from el Caracol de la Misión. All funds raised will directly benefit the needs of those in resistance and their families, through APPO, (the Popular Assembly of the Pueblo of Oaxaca), and part will also go to support the Independent Media Collective in Oaxaca to help them document what is taking place on the front lines of the popular resistance.
Some of the films have subtitles, and some are narrated by a live interpreter, and guided by speakers from El Caracol de la Misión, who are also bringing many fresh silk-screened prints and shirts to sell for 5-$10.
Members of La Colectiva Zapatista Ramona will also report back on La Otra Campaña and will share stories of their earlier travels to many places in Mexico, including Oaxaca, Atenco and will give a report back from the popular struggles and the recent coming together of all three popular fronts from Oaxaca, Atenco and Chiapas.
i Viva Oaxaca y sus Flores Magon!
i Viva Ramona, la Sexta y la Otra!
Donation: 5-$20, (more or less is ok, just give what you can compa 🙂