Santa Cruz – Oaxaca Solidarity (SC-OaxSol) came together as an organization in August of 2007 to help coordinate Oaxaca solidarity in the United States. We hope to improve the networking between peoples in United States and social movements in Oaxaca, Mexico. There have been urgent calls for solidarity with Oaxaca asking people to demonstrate at their nearest Mexican Consulate. Those of us in Santa Cruz, Watsonville and throughout the Monterey Bay Area are far from the nearest Consulate in San Jose which makes it difficult to mobilize large amounts of people, including ourselves, in a short amount of time.
Since February of 2006, before the formation of SC-OaxSol, our efforts mainly consisted of small to medium size speaking presentations and film screenings in Santa Cruz and Watsonville. Our community events have featured passionate guest speakers, including Simón Sedillo, Miguel Zafra, Vladimir Flores and Shannon Young, as well as talented musicians, such as Ryan Harvey and TONALI. Through the formation of SC-OaxSol, we plan to improve our response to calls for solidarity with Oaxaca, network with similar groups and continue to hold informational and entertaining events.
Contact Information
Some Previous Events
» Santa Cruz: February 16, 2006
» Watsonville: March 2, 2006
» Watsonville: September 14, 2006
» Watsonville: November 17, 2006
» Santa Cruz: December 13, 2006
» Santa Cruz and Watsonville: March 1 and 2, 2007
» Watsonville and Santa Cruz: August 16 and 17, 2007
» UC Santa Cruz: November 20, 2007
» UC Santa Cruz: November 29, 2007
» UC Santa Cruz: January 29, 2008
» Santa Cruz: April 9, 2008
» Watsonville: April 10, 2008
» Santa Cruz: April 10, 2008
» Santa Cruz: September 11, 2009
» Santa Cruz: November 9, 2009
People’s Global Action
We work within the People’s Global Action Network hallmarks.
(As agreed to by social movements at the PGA Conference in Cochabamba, Bolivia, August 2001)
1. A very clear rejection of capitalism, imperialism and feudalism; all trade agreements, institutions and governments that promote destructive globalisation;
2. We reject all forms and systems of domination and discrimination including, but not limited to, patriarchy, racism and religious fundamentalism of all creeds. We embrace the full dignity of all human beings;
3. A confrontational attitude, since we do not think that lobbying can have a major impact in such biased and undemocratic organisations, in which transnational capital is the only real policy-maker;
4. A call to direct action and civil disobedience, support for social movements’ struggles, advocating forms of resistance which maximize respect for life and oppressed peoples’ rights, as well as the construction of local alternatives to global capitalism;
5. An organisational philosophy based on decentralisation and autonomy.
Puntos de Partida de la Red de Accion Global de los Pueblos
Trabajamos en el los Puntos de Partida de la Red de Accion Global de los Pueblos.
1. Un rechazo muy claro del feudalismo, del capitalismo y del imperialismo; todos acuerdos comerciales, instituciones y gobiernos que promueven una globalizacion destructiva.
2. Rechazamos todas las formas y sistemas de dominación y de discriminación incluyendo – y no limitandose a : el patriarcado, el racismo y el fundamentalismo religioso de qualquier creencia. Abrazamos y defendemos la plena dignidad de todos los seres humanos.
3. Una actitud confrontativa, pues no pensamos que el dialogo pueda tener ningún impacto en organizaciones tan profundamente antidemocráticas y tan perfiladas ideológicamente como estas, en las que el capital transnacional es el único actor político real.
4. Un llamado a la accion directa y a la desobediencia civil, al apoyo a las luchas de los movimientos sociales, proponiendo formas de resistencia que maximizen el respeto a la vida y a los derechos de los pueblos oprimidos, asi como a la construccion de alternativas locales al capitalismo global.
5. Una filosofía organizativa basada en la descentralización y la autonomía.
Queridos amigos:
¡Desde Oaxaca, algún día lograremos formar una nueva nación, la Nacion Nube, alta, limpia, plena de fecundidad, protegiendo, dando sombra, alimentando a todo nuestro Pueblo Nube! Las nubes en nuestras montañas son el símbolo de la vida, el águila imperial en la bandera mexicana simboliza nada más un animal carroñero. Tenemos que destruir esos símbolos impuestos y retomar los símbolos de nuestra tierra a fin de lograr otra vez el florecimiento de nuestra cultura. Trabajemos juntos.