October 30th, 2006 – A crowd of about 200 people gathered outside the Mexican Consulate this morning to protest state-sponsored repression in Oaxaca including the recent murder of NYC Indymedia Journalist Brad Will by paramilitaries. At least 11 people have been arrested. Erin Siegal of the NYC Indymedia photo team has also been arrested despite having full press credentials and her camera was taken away by the police.
“They ripped my Indymedia press pass off and then they chased me an ripped off my New York City press pass five minutes later,” Siegal said from her cell phone in the back of the police wagon. “The police were brutal and nasty earlier. I had some beautiful photos.”
Video: 1 | 2
Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Stories of the Day: 1 | 2 | Urgent Jail Support for Consulate Arrestees | Three released; support continues
Actions around the World: Indianapolis | Raleigh, NC | Philadelphia | Chicago | San Francisco | Los Angeles | London | New Zealand
Other Stories: EZLN response | Photos from Oaxaca
Siegal said that other arrestees included Madeline Nelson, Savitri, Chloe, Tim Doody, Eric M., Joan Roney, Tim Keating, Kevin Skvorak and Brandon Jourdan. Other reports said that Dyan Neary was arrested as well. Skvorak, Neary and Jourdan both previously worked with Will on the NYC Indymedia video team.
According to Siegal, Keating locked himself to the gate at the front entrance to the Consulate while Chloe and Roney blocked another nearby entrance. Doody strapped himself to the top of a lamppost outside the Consulate and hung for over an hour a large poster-banner of Brad Will that read, “One More Night at the Barricades” before he was arrested. Just before he was hauled down, Doody led the crowd in a boisterous call-and-response chant of “Brad Will!”…”Presente!”.
A number of Consulate workers watched the protest unfold from the windows of the building.
Note: We just received a call from Raleigh, North Carolina where a dozen people are occupying the Mexican Consulate in solidarity with Brad and the people of Oaxaca.
source: http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/2006/10/78217.html
Activists Shut Down Mexican Consulate in NYC
Atlanta demo
On October 30th, about a dozen of us demonstrated in front of the CNN headquarters downtown (the consulate is in an out-of-the-way residential neighborhood). Brad Will, presente.
By Barbara Joye freejoye (at) mindspring.com
Vienna Demo
In Vienna a small spontaneous demonstration took place on Monday, October 30, 2006. Some 70 people joined the demonstration which started in front of the Residence of the Austrian government at Ballhausplatz and went to the Mexican Embassy in Vienna (which is also responsible for Slovenia and Czech Republic?). The next demonstration in Vienna was called for Monday, November 6, 2006.
pictures: http://www.chiapas.eu/news.php?id=1950
feature (de): at.indymedia.org/feature/display/53449
source: http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/2006/10/78037.html
Protests in solidarity with the people of Oaxaca
Protests in Helsinki
A small protest was held in rainy Helsinki. Some 30 protesters demonstrated outside of the Mexican embassy. The demonstrators stood at first just at the entrance of the embassy, but were forced across the street by the police. Further actions are being planned.
A selection of photos from the IMC screening of Brad Will’s final footage at the Mexican Embassy in London, 30 October 2006.
¡Presente! Brad Will’s Ghost at the NYC Mexican Consulate
Protesters, Friends and Others Honor Brad’s Life and Struggle by Bringing “One More Night At the Barricades” to the Streets of New York City
By RJ Maccani
The Ricardo Flores Magón Brigade, Reporting for Narco News
October 31, 2006
Arrested in Chicago Because My Friend Was Murdered
Pictures and Report from DC Oaxaca Solidarity Protest at Mexican Embassy
Providence RI Solidarity Vigil Reportback
Los Angeles: Local Oaxacans Protest at Mexican Consulate