On October 27, paramilitaries in Oaxaca, Mexico murdered Indymedia journalist Brad Will. He is one of dozens who have lost their lives at the hands of pro-government forces while participating in the largely nonviolent resistance to government oppression in that region. Mexican president Vicente Fox used Brad’s death as a pretext to send 4,000 federal police into the city of Oaxaca; these forces are systematically brutalizing the population.
The people of Oaxaca have not backed down – through days of courageous fighting, they have managed to protect their radio station at the university, repelling machine gun wielding armored police with only sticks, stones, and hope. On November 5, tens of thousands marched through the streets of Oaxaca, calling for the federal police to leave.
Poster for N20 promo: 11×17 black and white pdf
The only reason that hundreds more have not yet been killed in Oaxaca is that the Mexican government fears the response that would engender in Mexico and across the world. Those who have organized solidarity demonstrations at Mexican consulates can congratulate themselves on helping, however slightly, to deter the Mexican government from ordering a bloodbath.
That bloodbath will still take place, however, unless we continue to escalate the pressure upon President Fox’s government to withdraw federal forces from Oaxaca. The EZLN has announced that it will help coordinate a nationwide shut-down on November 20. This must be matched with international actions to show that the world has not taken its eyes off Oaxaca, that on the contrary, the mobilization in support of those who struggle there is only gathering momentum.
On November 20, blockades will be set up to show the Mexican government we mean business. We are calling upon YOU to join in these blockades. That could mean blockading the consulates’ websites, jamming their phone lines with calls about the conflict in Oaxaca, occupying the offices of the consuls, or shutting down the roads around the consulates in whatever way you see fit.
If we do not show Vicente Fox that paramilitaries and federal forces cannot brutalize Oaxaca with impunity, the blood of an entire murdered resistance movement will be on our hands. Now is the time to act in solidarity with those who struggle in Oaxaca, in solidarity with the Zapatistas who have called on us to support them, and in solidarity with all who struggle against government and capitalism across the world.
Actions are already being planned in cities around the US. Please plan actions in yours.
This is from Stratfor, the private “global intelligence” company
it’s only a blurb, but suggests more state violence is coming…
Mexico: Police To Switch Tactics
November 10, 2006 22 29 GMT
The Federal Preventive Police of Mexico said Nov. 10 it will switch its operations in Oaxaca from simply containing protesters to fully restoring public safety. The police entered the city Oct. 29 to disperse the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO) protesters that were blockading several roads and a government square. After dispersing the protesters, the police remained in the square to ensure that the APPO did not resume its attempts to gain control. The police will now try to restore security in the city after the anarchy of past weeks left it at the mercy of different criminal and troublemaking groups.
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Mexico: Calderon pledges bloody campaign against “terrorism”
Meeting held at Mexican Consulate in San Diego
“There is hope the encampment will continue at least until the 20th of November when a giant solidarity march and action is supposed to take place in Mexico.
The next meeting will be held this Sunday Nov. 12 at 2pm for all those interested except agents of the state. Solidarity with Oaxaca!!!”
San Francisco: The Day After the Next Attack, Converge on the Mexican Consulate (Folsom and First)
DC on Nov. 16th: 5:30pm March to Defend Oaxaca! (1911 Pennsylvania Ave)
Olympia on Nov. 16th: 5:30pm Film Screening: Granito de Arena (TESC Lecture Hall 1)
Tucson on Nov. 16th: 7pm Words of Brad Will, Liberate Oaxaca! (740 N. Main St.)
Santa Cruz on Nov. 17th: 7pm Musicians, Billingual Presentation and Film Screenings (515 Broadway)
Philadelphia on Nov. 17th: 9pm Screening of El Enemigo Común and Discussion in Philly (4134 Lancaster Ave.)
Los Angeles on Nov. 19th: 9:30am Gran Marcha en Solidaridad con el Pueblo de Oaxaca (1321 S. Mariposa)
San Diego on Nov. 19th: 2pm Marcha en Solidaridad con Oaxaca (1549 India St.)
Fredericksburg, VA on Nov. 19th: 7pm Feast and Resist: benefit dinner for a Free Oaxaca (1000 Charles St.)
Santa Rosa on Nov. 19th: 7pm Que es la APPO?: An introduction to the Oaxacan Situation (546 Pacific Ave)
Boston on Nov. 20th: 9am Call to Action in Solidarity with the Peoples of Latin America (Boston Common)
Syracuse on Nov. 20th: 4:30pm Oaxaca Solidarity Action
Philadelphia on Nov. 20th: 4pm Protest at the Mexican Consulate (5th and Market)
São Paulo , Brasil on Nov. 20th: 2 pm: Protest at Av. Paulista