August 17th, 2007 – ChicagOtra writes: ChicagOtra and others protested the announced visit to Chicago of the governor of Oaxaca, Ulises Ruiz. Ruiz didn’t show up, but governors from several other Mexican states were feted at the Mexican Consulate. The activists outside urged the immigrant organizations invited by the Consul to the festivities to pass up the party and join the protest in support of the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO) and demanding freedom for the political prisoners being held in Mexico. The governors and other functionaries had to sneak in through the back door to avoid the protesters in front.
Protestan Contra Ulises en Chicago
Ante el arribo de Miembros de la Conferencia Nacional de Gobernadores (Conago) de México a Chicago ILLinios Estados Unidos, miembros de la Otra Campaña de Chicago se reunieron el 17 de agosto para solidarizarse con el pueblo de Oaxaca en el Consulado General de México. Exigieron la libertad de los presos políticos y la salida de Ulises Ruiz del gobierno.
Aquin correponda .. Dela manera mas atenta medoy alatarea de alludar al amigo paisano Alfredo Carrillo que fallecio Julio 22 09 de un ataque al corazon con solo la eda de 36 de eda porfabor necitamos alluda grasias por su tention. att Jose carreto