February 19th, 2008 – Santa María Ixcotel, Oax. Political Prisoners Committee writes: In Oaxaca alone, 28 social activists and comrades are now imprisoned for political reasons. Eighteen of them are in the Santa María Ixcotel Central Penitentiary: David Venegas Reyes, Adán Mejìa Lòpez, Vìctor Hugo Martínez Toledo, Miguel Ángel García, Pedro Castillo Aragón, Gonzalo López Cortéz, Isabel Almaraz Matías, Agustín Luna Valencia, Eleuterio Hernández García, Álvaro Sebastián Ramírez, Urbano Ruiz Cruz, Cirilo Ambrosio Antonio, Abraham García Ramírez, Fortino Enríquez Hernández, Ricardo Martínez Enríquez, Justino Hernández José, Estanislao Martínez Santiago, and Mario Ambrosio Martínez. In the Pochutla Regional Prison the following three comrades are held: Abraham Ramírez Vázquez, Noel García Cruz, and Juventino García Cruz. There is one prisoner in the Villa de Etla Penitentiary––Zacarías P. García López––and one more is in the Cuicatlán Regional Prison––Flavio Sosa Villavicencio. Four comrades are in the Tehuantepéc Prison: José Luís Sánchez Gómez, Amado Castro López, Nicasio Zaragoza Quintana, and Edmundo Espinosa Guzmán, and another is in the Juvenile Facility: Jaciel Cruz Cruz.
In response to their imprisonment, some of the comrades held as political prisoners in the Central Penitentiary have formed the Santa María Ixcotel Political Prisoners’ Committee, with the aim of struggling for freedom inside the prisons and creating a voice of their own that represents the positions and opinions on the freedom struggle. This initiative does not seek to advance any organization or group in any way. On the contrary, it seeks an end to manipulation and efforts to discredit the freedom struggle.
It’s in this context that the Santa María Ixcotel Political Prisoners’ Committee is sending out its FIRST POSTER. It is entitled “Until the last one gets out,” underscoring the fact that the struggle for freedom includes everyone locked up.
The FACES of most of the political prisoners of Oaxaca are on the poster.
The photos and information are available to all solidarity spaces willing to spread it around with no intent to make money off of it or to use it to legitimize themselves or to propagandize by using the faces, names, struggles, and histories of the comrade political prisoners.
The documentation and information contained on the poster is the product of the Ixcotel political prisoners and the undersigned organizations and spaces that are organizational comrades of struggle with the Santa María Ixcotel Political Prisoners Committee.
We urge all the comrades in Mexico and the world who want freedom and justice to help us expand this political prisoner initiative by PUBLISHING, PRINTING, AND DISTRIBUTING this poster in any size you can and anywhere possible. We ask you not to edit it (by adding or taking off anything) in order to respect the initiative of our comrades held prisoner.
The poster is part of a series of activities to win freedom and justice for the comrades who are political prisoners and prisoners of conscience. So please be attentive to future proposals and calls to action.
– A thousand copies of the first edition of this poster have been printed in 4 x letter size thanks to the solidarity and support of groups, individuals, and organizations in Mexico and the world, to whom we are very grateful.
– The first edition of the poster that has been distributed in Oaxaca and other places contains some incorrect data with regards to the prisoners from San Blas Atempa and Guevea de Humboldt, jailed in the Tehuantepéc prison. For this reason certain corrections are necessary in this edition.
– The comrades in prison have also suggested that the signatures of spaces collaborating directly with the Santa María Ixcotel Political Prisoners Committee be added.
No one is free until we’re all free…
VOCAL (Voces Oaxaqueñas Construyendo Autonomía y Libertad)
CODECI (Comité de Defensa Ciudadana)
Militante Oposición de Izquierda
sources: kaosenlared.net
David Venegas “Alebrije” FREE