Seattle University, University of Washington, and Seattle Central students as well as community members are protesting the presence of US Border Patrol recruiters at Seattle University’s Law Enforcement Career Expo this Tuesday, April 8th. Branches of Homeland Security, specifically the Border Patrol, instill fear and provide an unsafe environment for many workers and students at Seattle University. By expanding militarization of the United States- Mexico border, the Border Patrol has increased risk and death for people migrating to the US, and additionally fails to address the root causes of migration. An animated march will parade through campus creating an artificial border followed by a demonstration at Campion Hall. The names of those who have died attempting to cross the border will be read, chalked, and represented by mannequins throughout the SU campus.
For Immediate Release:
Tuesday, April 8th, 2008:
Matt Hitchman (360)-970-4164 (member of Coalition for Global Concern)
Marianne Mork (206)-931-8537 (member of NOSIR!)
Who: Individual members of the following organizations: NOSIR (No to Oppression! Students for Immigrant Rights), SU Coalition for Global Concern, SU Latin American Studies Club, Socialist Alternative, Team Victory
What: Seattle University, University of Washington, and Seattle Central students as well as community members are protesting the presence of US Border Patrol recruiters at Seattle University’s Law Enforcement Career Expo this Tuesday, April 8th. Branches of Homeland Security, specifically the Border Patrol, instill fear and provide an unsafe environment for many workers and students at Seattle University. By expanding militarization of the United States- Mexico border, the Border Patrol has increased risk and death for people migrating to the US, and additionally fails to address the root causes of migration. An animated march will parade through campus creating an artificial border followed by a demonstration at Campion Hall. The names of those who have died attempting to cross the border will be read, chalked, and represented by mannequins throughout the SU campus.
When/Where: Tuesday April 8th, 2008
Beginning at 11:45am in front of SU’s Xavier Hall (12th and Madison Ave).
At 12:15pm the march will have stopped Campion Hall (914 E. Jefferson St.), where the activities proceed.
“NAFTA Made Things Worse On Both Sides of the Border”
“Students Protest Mexican Trade Commissioner”