We did it!!!
Thank you and congratulations to all who have helped us in our fundraising initiative to buy the lot neighboring C.A.C.I.T.A.!
With the help from many compañeras y compañeros, part of our grand dream that we started only a few months ago has come true. With support and solidarity from family, friends, groups, and organizations we were able to raise the almost 100 thousand pesos necessary to pay off the property next to CACITA.
We have outstanding debts from various loans we took out to secure the acquisition of the land, and we’re still on our fundraising campaign to repay these loans that we have still ahead of us. If you still would like to support this initiative, you can make a donation to the paypal account following the link at the bottom of this letter.
This next year is full of visions and ideas of how we’re going to make the other part of our grand dream for CACITA come true. The house, the dormitory, the cistern, the workshop, the compost, the garden, the lot, the neighborhood. We have much work to accomplish and we invite you to get in contact with us, to see how we can collaborate, participate, and create together the appropriate technologies of liberation for the future.
From the depths of our hearts, to the heights of our dreams, we thank you very much for sharing with us this grand path of creation and liberation that we are building together.
Our home is your home.
El Centro Autónomo para la Creación Intercultural de Tecnologías Apropiadas.
The Autonomous Center for the Intercultural Creation of Appropriate Technologies.
From the Valley of Oaxaca, in southern Mexico.
August 25, 2009.