October 20, 2009
Brothers and sisters of Mexico and the world:
We’re sending you all the information we have as of now. On Thursday, October 15, 2009, our comrade Ignacio del Valle told us in a brief phone call that he and other comrades are on hunger strike in the maximum security prison where he has been kidnapped by the Mexican state.
This extreme measure is being taken to demand an end to the subhuman prison conditions to which our political prisoners are subjected in that dungeon: physical attacks, degradation, threats, humiliation, unjustifiable punishment, suspension of phone calls, suspension of visits, destruction of mail, theft of art and design materials and other measures characteristic of fascist regimes. The comrade has not been allowed to re-establish communications with his family members or lawyers.
We hold Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, Enrique Peña Nieto, and the prison warden responsible for the physical integrity, health and life of our political prisoners Felipe Álvarez, Héctor Galindo and Ignacio del Valle.
Que horror mi mexico que un dia ame y hoy me averguenso de tanta impunidad y crimen organizado yo hace ya un buen tiempo sali prometiendome jamas volvere yo fuy victima de un abuso de poder por la senora Ariana azcarraga yan quien para cobrar un seguro de mas de 3 millones de dolares me acuso injustamente de robarle sus joyas que la mayoria eran cruses con diamantes incrustrados cosa ridicula porque yo ni siquiera benero la cruz para no recordarle a Dios a cada rato como murio su hijo como colgarse uno un cuerno de chivo si su hijo fue muerto a balazos con esa arma igual con la cruz y que pasa compro abogados jefes de gov para refundirme en la carcel pero no se le hizo posible pues mis padres vendiendo todo lo que tenian quedando en la vil ruina tambien pagaron peritos y buenos abogados que me defendieron sacando a la luz la verdadera suciedad de sus asquerosos planes y ahora que veo noticias de alcaldes asesinados en Santiago NL y otros edos con lagrimas en la garganta a cada Canadiense o Americano que quiere ir a Mexico lo convenso que valla a ver las noticias de los setas y se les quitan las ganas da asco no hay justicia da asco.
Please sorry for my bad english and I don’t speak spanish at all but I want to ask you about Ignacio and the others political prisoners : are they still in gail ? Are they free now ? Are they in special quarter of hignt security or not ? Thant’s. I am going to write about them. Hélène Larrivé (I am a french author) Goos night at all. http://ecologine.blogspot.com