Saturday, March 26, 2011
To all the international organizations that have been concerned about my situation since January 15, 2005, when I was arbitrarily arrested in the municipality of Santiago Xanica.
I’ve been held in captivity 6 years, 2 months, and 20 days; my case is still being processed, but as of now, I have not been sentenced.
In view of the corruption and injustices still going on in the state of Oaxaca, it is clear that Gabino Cue deceived the communities with his slogan “peace and progress for Oaxaca”. In the three months that he’s been in office, all he’s done is trample on the autonomy of our peoples, strengthen the PRI, and repress the popular teachers’ struggle.
From one of this state’s sewers to the current government of Oaxaca: I demand justice and respect for the autonomy of the peoples.
San Pedro Pochutla regional prison.
Jails don’t kill; they strengthen us,
Abraham Ramírez Vásquez.