Friday, July 15
24th St. BART Plaza
San Francisco
A teachers strike that began on May 15 has grown into a widespread rebellion in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. 14 compañeros have been killed by the state, including 12 in a massacre on June 19.
Join us on Friday, July 15 at 7pm at the 24th St. BART Plaza in San Francisco to mark two months since the strike began as we march in defiance of state repression and in solidarity with our compañerxs on the barricades in Oaxaca.
To our compañerxs, teachers, mothers, fathers and children of the Oaxacan community, here and there, though we are miles apart, we fight with you.
Because here and there we fight against the same monster called capitalism. Because here and there, freedom, health care, and housing must be for all.
We march with love for our sisters and brothers who have been murdered and who will always be remembered, who walk alongside us in this struggle. We in the Bay Area, in solidarity with the Oaxacan community, say no more repression, no more deaths. We are ready to stand together. If they attack one of our communities there, we will respond here.