El Enemigo Común

El Enemigo Común

A bilingual website in solidarity with social movements in Mexico. // Un sitio web bilingüe en solidaridad con los movimientos sociales en México.

Protest at Mexican Consulate in Denver

Emergency Demonstration at the Mexican Consulate in Denver – in solidarity with the people of Oaxaca! Saturday, December 2nd, 2006 12:00pm In front of the Mexican Consulate in Denver, CO 5350 Leetsdale Dr. Ste. 100 ¡OAXACA IN PEACE IF ULISES…

Oaxaca: “Portrait of Rebellion” in SF

Barucha Calamity Peller who has participated in anti-authoritarian collectives in Mexico for the past 4 years, has just returned from Oaxaca where there has been a widely defended popular uprising and where dozens of people have died and disappeared in…