Interview with Assassination Attempt Survivor Marcos Garcia, of CODEP

[ Camarograf@s en La Casa de Marcos Garcia. The film crew. ]

Oaxaca 2007. This is an interview with Marcos Garcia, a state council member of CODEP, Comite de Defensa de los Derechos del Pueblo (Committee in Defense of the People’s Rights).

On Tuesday November, 27th 2006 in Putla Villa de Guerrero Oaxaca, Marcos Garcia, a state council member of CODEP, one of the many groups inside of the Oaxacan People’s Popular Assembly APPO, is ambushed by four men armed with assault rifles. The men fire over 140 rounds at Garcia’s vehicle, 8 of which impact him all over his body. Garcia survives the attack, and lives to tell his story. This is an interview conducted by four indigenous youth from the region, and edited through collective editing workshops hosted by CODEP and Proyecto Autogestion.

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Entrevista con Marcos García
traducción de APPO CODEP

Marcos Garcia

Marcos García, es Consejero del CODEP en la región de Putla, y sobreviviente del intento de asesinato efectuado en su contra el pasado 27 de noviembre de 2006. Puedes descargar la entrevista realizada por el equipo de “el enemigo común” en la siguiente liga:

y el video de la misma en:


  1. ulices ruiz ojala y t pudras en el infierno y todos esos bola ne maricones y la policia corrupta

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