At approximately 2:20 in the afternoon, Viernes, October 22, the indigenous leader Catarino Torres Pereda was shot and killed in the office of the Committee of Citizen Defense, CODECI, in the city of Tuxtepec, Oaxaca.
Two armed men burst into the CODECI offices and fired point blank at the 37 year old leader from Cacahautal, Ojitlan, Oaxaca.
During the last ten years, Catarino Torres had been the target of unceasing political persecution due to his political and social activity. This led him to be the first political prisoner of the APPO in 2006, when he was imprisoned for 7 months in the maximum security prison at Altiplano.
There were marches en several parts of the state the same afternoon and night accusing the PRI of the cruel, outrageous murder, and activists continue to demand justice for Catarino.