Update: At 19:30 on July 7, the Suljaa Support Coordinating Committee announced that “thanks to the quick action alert by the networks of social and human rights organizations, free and independent media collectives, and righteous people who stand in solidarity with Radio Ñomndaa’ and the Amuzgo people, the military troops withdrew from Xochistlahuaca around 14:00 hrs, and the Secretary of Indigenous Affairs of the Guerrero state government communicated with Radio Ñomndaa’ to say that it is keeping tabs on the situation. At nightfall, Radio Ñomndaa reports that they are all fine and still on the lookout. They appreciate the fact that so many people responded so quickly and ask everyone to stay tuned in a show of solidarity.
2:40 pm
Military presence around Community Radio of Xochistlahuaca, Guerrero,
Latent Risk, Alert from RADIO ÑOMNDAA
We wish to make the following situation known to the human rights and community communication organizations and other comrades who are familiar with Radio Ñomndaa’s community process, whether at first hand or from afar:
On July 7, around 10:30 A.M. a military presence with troops from the 35th Military Zone was reported.
– Two jeeps and a truck carrying about 50 troops arrived in the community of Suljaa’ (Xoxchistlahuaca),
– The troops asked townspeople where the radio station was.
– They’ve made several rounds in and around the community.
– They’re making rounds in the barrio where the radio cabin is located.
– The troops have said they’re there to MAP the community.
Only today Radio Ñomndaa, LA PALABRA DEL AGUA, resumed its broadcasts after being off the air for nearly a month.
Around noon, after the previously described events, an assembly was held in the town.
Organizations that keep in close touch with the activities of Radio Ñomndaa, as well as free and independent media collectives and groups have expressed their concern and are on the alert for news sent out by the Radio Ñomndaa committee.
A little past noon, Tlachinollan, La Montaña Human Rights Center, broadcast an interview with members of the radio collective.
In it they describe the agreements reached in the Assembly.
– To follow up the situation and establish communication with human rights organizations.
– To establish communication with comrades in the free and independent media.
– To inform the authorities with jurisdiction over the situation by e-mail.
– To continue the community radio transmission of what happens all through the day and night.
– As of yet, there’s no Internet broadcasting, but the technical details are being organized.
As this report is being compiled, we’re receiving reports on the presence of more vehicles headed for the community. These were seen on the Ometepec- Xochistlahuaca Highway near Tlacoachistlahuaca.
We ask you to stay on the alert to the developing situation, and we will be sending out information.
Suljaa` coordinating committee
As of now, reports have been published on the military rounds being made in Suljaa, Xochistlahuaca, Gro., the home of Radio Ñomndaa, La Palabra del Agua.
• At 11:29 the Radio Ñomdaa committee broadcast information about the presence of military trucks around the community.
• At 11:49, the Centro de Medios Libres, DF, and Tlachinollan published the information on their pages:
• Indymedia also published the ALERT and is adding new information as it happens:
• Tlachinollan is updating the information given in a radio broadcast and published on facebook after an assembly was held a little after noon:
Listen to Radio Ñomndaa’s radio report from Xochistlahuaca, Guerrero, on the military incursion into the community today, July 7, and the situation at noon: [offline]