Category Repression

State Blames APPO for Brad Will’s Death

Nov 18th, 2006 – danielsan writes: As the official investigation into the killing of Brad Will goes on, legitimate questions are being asked but it is increasingly obvious that the state government is not acting as impartial investigator, but rather…

Names of Oaxaca’s Disappeared

November 9th, 2006 – danielsan writes: A newly formed organization, the Comite de Familiares y Amigos de Desaparecidos Asesinados y Presos Politicos de Oaxaca (COFEDAPPO), has been collecting the testimonies of family members seeking word about where their loved ones…

La Lucha Sigue: Oaxaca Report

Images from Oaxaca City over the past few weeks. November 7th, 2006 – danielsan writes: Another day passes in Oaxaca City. Another day without Radio Universidad… its not that it was raided by the PFP and taken off the air–people…

Massive March in Oaxaca

Hundreds of thousands of people filled the streets to demand Gov.’s ouster in 6th Mega March November 5th, 2006 – John Gibler writes: Today the Oaxaca People’s Popular Assembly (APPO) offered its response to Gov. Ulises Ruiz’s claim that the…