Oaxaca Solidarity Demonstrations in the US on November 4th

“…indymedia is on the minds and lips of PRIistas and government loyalists high up the chain of command…” Foreigners, journalists threatened in Oaxaca
Bilingual independent media by, about, and for social movements in Mexico and beyond
Bilingual independent media by, about, and for social movements in Mexico and beyond
“…indymedia is on the minds and lips of PRIistas and government loyalists high up the chain of command…” Foreigners, journalists threatened in Oaxaca
“Afuera Ulises Ruiz. El pueblo de Oaxaca pide justicia no la policia. ¡No estan solos! Nosotros apoyamos en su lucha como E.Z.L.N.”
November 2nd, 2006 – danielsan writes: Dia de los Muertos is a little different this year in Oaxaca, with fresh graves and a military occupation. The backlash is starting, after five months without the ‘authorities.’ Fotos from the past few…
A memorial service will happen Nov 11th There will be a memorial for Brad, as well as other events (we hope) such as concerts and a community dialogue, on the weekend of November 11th and 12th. The memorial itself will…
A new sign-on support letter has been drafted. Signatories include Tariq Ali, Noam Chomsky, Eve Ensler, Danny Glover, Eduardo Galeano, Michael Moore, Arundhati Roy, Alice Walker, Howard Zinn, and many others. An excerpt: We are extremely alarmed to see that…