Six Palestinian youth, arrested as part of the Palestinian Authority’s “security cooperation” with Israel, are on hunger strike for their freedom.
"We know the government's strategies. They co-opt, they persecute selectively, they harass, they buy off leaders or incarcerate those who won´t sell out."
On July 31, around midday, our compañerxs from Okupa Che were violently detained by UNAM Security and brutally beaten by around 30 university personnel.
When the word justice loses meaning, all that remains for us is the defense of Memory, of self-defense.
People took the streets in San Francisco against state-sanctioned police murders in the US and in solidarity with the rebellion in Oaxaca.
That was the state’s strategy: to create fear, weariness, and paralysis.
The following documentary conveys the feelings and testimonies of the people that lived through the massacre that occurred in Nochixtlán on June 19.
Join us as we march in defiance of state repression and in solidarity with our compañerxs on the barricades in Oaxaca.
Thousands of men and women, from a multitude of peoples and communities, are struggling daily to build a different path, just and dignified.