Dinner and Screening of “Un Poquito De Tanta Verdad” in SF on Oct. 24

Oaxaca is Not Over!

On, Wednesday, October 24th, a benefit will be held at Station 40 in San Francisco at 7pm to support the continuing resistance in Oaxaca, Mexico. The newly released documentary “Un Poquito de Tanta Verdad” (A Little Bit of So Much Truth) will be screened accompanying dinner and refreshments. The proceeds of the evening will go to Colectivo Mujer Nueva (Oaxaca autonomous women collective) and VOCAL (Oaxacan Voices Constructing Freedom and Autonomy) an anarchist radio project in Oaxaca.

Un Poquito De Tanta Verdad, the new documentary by Corrugated Films in collaboration with Mal De Ojo TV, has been described by Emir Sader, of the Latin American Council on Social Sciences, as “Powerful…impressive. An essential testimony. Without a doubt, A Little Bit of So Much Truth will leave it’s mark on contemporary, independent documentary filmmaking.”

Flyer: Download the pdf

$3-$10 (No one turned away for lack of funds)

Screening of:
“Un Poquito De Tanta Verdad” (A Little Bit of So Much Truth)
with music and burritos
….. refreshments will be provided

This event is A BENEFIT for:

Colectivo Mujer Nueva (Oaxaca autonomous women collective)
VOCAL (Oaxacan Voices Constructing Freedom and Autonomy) an anarchist radio project in Oaxaca. Please come support groups still actively organizing under repression in Oaxaca.

Un Poquito De Tanta Verdad, the new documentary by corrugated films in collaboration with Mal De Ojo TV. This documentary is one of the most conclusive and informative documentaries from the Oaxaca uprising.

“Beautiful, powerful, dramatic…magnificent …provides a remarkably deep and penetrating look into the people who made up the movement. Everyone interested in Mexico, in teachers and education, in workers’ movements, in indigenous people, in the state of our world and the struggle for social justice should see the video” – Mexican Labor and News Analysis


source: https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2007/10/22/18455309.php

One comment

  1. pienso q vocal es buena organizacion ayudar, porq hacen los chavitos buenas cosas en la lucha. pero ojo, no creo q vocal haga un proyecto de radio (no q yo sepa), por lo menos en la ciudad. es probable que unos integrantes son relacionados a algunos proyectos asi, y pueden ponerles en contacto con los jovenes sobre esto. tmb ay otros proyectos asi, las radios comunitarias por todo el estado, ademas en el istmo, y diversas estaciones piratas/subversivas/anarkas en el valle central. tmb sugeriria yop algunos otros grupos q merecen su ayuda, como CIPO-RFM, comite de liberacion 25 de noviembre, limedh, como, por supuesto ay mas. todavia ay presos como flavio y horatio y david y desaparecidos como los eperristas, y por algunos grupos pueden trabajar hacia su liberacion y apoyar a los familiares suyos. para david pienso vocal es mejor, para los demas, talvez fpr o 25 de nov.

    buena suerte, siga la resistencia

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