September 19th Update from Jill
For those of you not in Oaxaca, you may not have heard the news yet that the Oaxacan teachers have decided to WALK from Oaxaca to Mexico City. They leave this Thursday. Probably about 5,000 of them. And the idea…
Bilingual independent media by, about, and for social movements in Mexico and beyond
Bilingual independent media by, about, and for social movements in Mexico and beyond
For those of you not in Oaxaca, you may not have heard the news yet that the Oaxacan teachers have decided to WALK from Oaxaca to Mexico City. They leave this Thursday. Probably about 5,000 of them. And the idea…
Tuxtla Gutierrez – Hundreds of campesinos from various social organizations, members of the National Front of Struggle for Socialism (FNLS), today held 13 intermittent blockades of roads in Chiapas, in support of the Popular People’s Assembly of Oaxaca (APPO).
For one reason or another, some of the websites/blogs about the popular struggle in Oaxaca are no longer being kept up-to-date, but some of them are still great resources.
International Direct Action for the people of Oaxaca Starting September 18th. Protest at the closest Mexican Consulate or Embassy. We demand the exit of the illegitimate Governor Ulises Ruiz. Not one minute of peace for the assassins.
By David Bacon At 8:30 AM on October 21, 2002, Oaxaca state police arrested a dangerous schoolteacher. Romualdo Juan Gutierrez Cortez was pulled over as he was driving to his school in the rural Mixteca region. Police took him to…