Social activist wounded on December 1 inauguration of Peña dies

The activist and theater director Juan Francisco Kuykendall, who suffered a fractured skull during the protests against Peña Nieto’s inauguration, died.
Bilingual independent media by, about, and for social movements in Mexico and beyond
Bilingual independent media by, about, and for social movements in Mexico and beyond
The activist and theater director Juan Francisco Kuykendall, who suffered a fractured skull during the protests against Peña Nieto’s inauguration, died.
We advance towards Apatzingán on a path that in recent years -and days- has witnessed countless shootings, kidnappings, killings, burning of vehicles and all sorts of atrocities.
The self-defense phenomenon in Michoacán has great momentum, every day there are more people who decide to expel the criminals from their regions.
"Today it starts with the gas station and then come the shopping malls. It’s a process of annihilation of the peoples."
Zacualpan, Colima has joined the growing number of farming and indigenous communities facing conflicts over mining.
Hundreds march in Mexico City to free Yakiri and support her right to self defense.
Narco-corridos have become extremely popular among Mexican youth who have been consistently desensitized to narco-violence and corruption within the Mexican state.
Alejandro Bautista is an actor and comedian who in recent years has been strongly opposed to the Super Highway and the South Arch in Mexico City.
Those arrested were bound hand and foot with ropes and placed face-down on the dirt road. In all, 16 people were arrested and 60 wounded.