There’s Nothing Anarchist about Eco-Fascism: A Condemnation of ITS

As ITS says, “We’ve been warning you since the beginning.” And now they are claiming to have killed three humans simply because they were human.
Bilingual independent media by, about, and for social movements in Mexico and beyond
Bilingual independent media by, about, and for social movements in Mexico and beyond
As ITS says, “We’ve been warning you since the beginning.” And now they are claiming to have killed three humans simply because they were human.
We at El Enemigo Común are pleased to share the Spanish-language book Agosto Negro: Presas y presos políticos en lucha (Black August: Political Prisoners in Struggle), written by a member of our collective, Carolina Saldaña and published by SubVersiones at the end of December, 2016, in Mexico City.
With U.S. Military support, the Mexican and Guatemalan armed forces created a Task Force to carry out operations on the Mexico and Guatemala border.
The book will feature insight into the strategies corporations use to impose projects, as well as the strategies communities use to defend their land.
Here, in the State of Mexico, all the factors that define the periphery come together. Our gender, our empty pockets, our scorched skin color are denied, spit upon and vilified.
The assassination of Basil al-Araj is a tremendous loss to a huge number of people. Reflecting on what he went through, I am filled with enormous admiration, pride and rage.
Caravan for a Fair Wage and Decent Life sets out
Your support and contributions will help ensure that El Enemigo Común continues to provide on the ground independent journalism from Mexico.
One of the greatest barriers to community-based self-defense has been a very powerful shift towards pacifism and non-violence as a primary means of political expression in Europe and the USA.