Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Eighth Book: Writing on the Wall

A review of Writing on the Wall: Selected Prison Writings of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Editor, Johanna Fernandez. Foreword, Cornel West. City Lights Books, 2015.
Bilingual independent media by, about, and for social movements in Mexico and beyond
Bilingual independent media by, about, and for social movements in Mexico and beyond
A review of Writing on the Wall: Selected Prison Writings of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Editor, Johanna Fernandez. Foreword, Cornel West. City Lights Books, 2015.
March against the plunder of indigenous communities
The People’s Assembly of Activist Hip Hop in solidarity with the struggle for justice in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero.
The families do not accept the government explanation that their children are probably the human remains found in mass graves on the outskirts of Iguala.
The uprising against organized crime in Michoacán gains ground despite many obstacles and changes can be seen in the way people live.