The ‘New Tourism’ in Oaxaca

[ A marvelous pose, on both sides of the lens. ] October 31st, 2006 – danielsan & ariel write: A photo essay of Soldiers enjoying their day in the Zócalo. The soldiers seem to be the new tourists in Oaxaca…
Bilingual independent media by, about, and for social movements in Mexico and beyond
Bilingual independent media by, about, and for social movements in Mexico and beyond
[ A marvelous pose, on both sides of the lens. ] October 31st, 2006 – danielsan & ariel write: A photo essay of Soldiers enjoying their day in the Zócalo. The soldiers seem to be the new tourists in Oaxaca…
October 31st, 2006 – danielsan writes: After another tense (Monday) night of barricades and threats, the people of Oaxaca City awoke this morning to find the PFP barricades somewhat loosened… After the tremendous show of force on Sunday, storming the…
October 30th, 2006 – danielsan writes: While the global media conglomerates call this a solution to the Oaxaca Problem, and claim that the government has reestablished order and taken control of the city center, today it is obvious that they…
October 24th, 2006 – danielsan writes: We spoke with two teachers, Flavio & Fabian, in the Central Zócalo for a while before decided to find a quiet(er) space to record an interview: We decided on the UABJO, Autonamous University of…
October 23rd, 2006 – danielsan writes: Questions about the process and manner in which leadership of the teachers’ union (SNTE) initiated a controversial referendum to return to work led to a rejection of the ‘consulta’ and the continuation of the…