Bike Rides for Oaxaca in NYC!

If you are in New York City, join the Friends of Brad Will this Wednesday, November 1st, for a Bike Ride in Solidarity with the People of Oaxaca! We are meeting this Wednesday at 1 pm at 40th St &…
Bilingual independent media by, about, and for social movements in Mexico and beyond
Bilingual independent media by, about, and for social movements in Mexico and beyond
If you are in New York City, join the Friends of Brad Will this Wednesday, November 1st, for a Bike Ride in Solidarity with the People of Oaxaca! We are meeting this Wednesday at 1 pm at 40th St &…
October 30th, 2006 – danielsan writes: While the global media conglomerates call this a solution to the Oaxaca Problem, and claim that the government has reestablished order and taken control of the city center, today it is obvious that they…
“Just the beginning . . .” please add more events as a comment Mexican Consulates in the U.S. & Canada Call to Action Across the US Against Mexican Consulates
October 30th, 2006 – A crowd of about 200 people gathered outside the Mexican Consulate this morning to protest state-sponsored repression in Oaxaca including the recent murder of NYC Indymedia Journalist Brad Will by paramilitaries. At least 11 people have…
Communiqué From The Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee Of The Zapatista Army Of National Liberation October 30, 2006 To The People Of Mexico: To The People Of The World: To All Of The Other Campaign In Mexico And North Of The…
At least ten thousand people march through Oaxaca City October 30th, 2006 – At least ten thousand people march through Oaxaca City, coming within two blocks of the police-occupied Zocalo before turning up to Santo Domingo Cathedral where they will…
October 30th, 2006 – This morning around 30 people gathered outside the Mexican consulate (located in the Bourse building) in Philadelphia to protest ongoing paramilitary violence against the people of Oaxaca, Mexico, including the murder of NYC Indymedia journalist Brad…
October 30th, 2006 – Protestors and friends of Brad Will occupied the Mexican Consulate in Raleigh, NC for over 3 hours today to demand justice for the people of Oaxaca, Mexico and immediate reprisals against the paramilitary death squads who…
“This is a call to action against mexican consulates all over the country.” by a friend and companer@ please add more events as a comment