El Enemigo Común

El Enemigo Común

A bilingual website in solidarity with social movements in Mexico. // Un sitio web bilingüe en solidaridad con los movimientos sociales en México.

Corporate Criminals in Oaxaca

Update: more information on the exploitative process which values natural resources more than the lives of campesin@s. A list of US, Canadian and European corporations profiting from death and repression in Oaxaca. These US, Canadian and European companies play a…

VAPPOR Press Release and Manifiesto

The VAPPOR Oaxaca Solidarity Camp has continuously occupied the sidewalk outside the Mexican Consulate in San Diego, 24/7, since the invasion of Oaxaca by Mexican federal troops on October 29. The goals of the Camp have been put pressure on…

Oaxaca Solidarity Camp in San Diego

November 19th, 2006 – san diego indymedia volunteer writes: The Oaxaca Solidarity Camp has continuously occupied the sidewalk outside the Mexican Consulate in San Diego, 24/7, for 21 days, since the invasion of Oaxaca by Mexican federal troops on October…